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Energy Covers

We provide insulation solutions for heat-related molding problems. Our insulation for barrels, dies and other plastics equipment can:

  • Cut radiant heat loss by 75% 

  • Lower the cost to melt by 23% – 58% 

  • Greatly improve uniform heat distribution

Our customized Energy Covers provide the insulation you need to control your energy costs and improve worker safety around hot molds, dies and barrel

Energy Covers
Energy Covers

Why Energy Covers?

Customized design and engineering know-how mean our energy covers perform just as they should, cutting your energy costs, protecting wiring and connectors and allowing for easy installation.

All of this results in lower costs for you through: High Operating Efficiencies 

Our Energy Covers insulation not only boosts worker safety, but it also reduces the load demand on HVAC systems, improving their operating efficiencies.

The energy covers create a noticeable difference in ambient air temperatures during hot summer months, too. Our insulation also keeps changes in the ambient air temperature from affecting zone settings.

Additional Benefits from Coverflex Energy Covers include: 

  • The melting performance of high temperature engineered resins improves with the use of our barrel insulation.

  • Our Energy Covers cut pre-operational soak time by up to 30%

  • Lower fire risks

  • The Teflon coating on our Energy Covers insulation helps cut the risk of flash fire from oil line leaks, since the equipment insulation can help prevent the oil from contacting hot barrels.

  • Increased safety

  • Our component insulation lowers exposed surface temperatures, helping to reduce the chance of accidental burns.

  • Our Energy Covers insulation also creates a noticeable difference in ambient air temperatures during the hot summer months.

  • Energy Covers Cut Molding Costs

Our custom engineering and design services ensure that our insulation for barrels and other equipment will meet your insulation needs.

We can design and produce energy-conserving equipment insulation for your barrels, hoses, hoppers, dies, hotpots, exchangers, valves, pumps, ovens and more.

A Special Note: All Energy Covers products are asbestos-free.

Coverflex Manufacturing, Inc.


Coverflex Manufacturing, Inc.

United States Office

6828 La Paseo St. Houston, TX 77087

Contact Us for a Quote

Direct: 713-378-0966

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Canada Office

3044 Bloor St. W. Suite 1060, Toronto, ON MBX


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